Saturday, June 6, 2015

Teaching with Intention!

I have not blogged in about umpteen years : (  Have a few kids and that happens!! But this summer I have a ton on my 'to do' list..... One of which is to start blogging again.... even if it's short, even if it's barely coherent...but blog for blogging sake!  Last school year I found The Kindergarten Smorgasboard and if you haven't checked it out.... DO IT!  Not only are Greg's TPT products darling, they are very meaningful and hands on... my three favorite things.... DARLING, MEANINGFUL, and HANDS-ON!  So anyways, he's doing a book study and I thought to myself "get on it, girl!"  So here it goes, my thoughts on Chapter 1 of Debbie Miller's Teaching with Intention

Chapter 1:
Debbie Miller asks you to dream big in her first chapter of Teaching with Intention. As a kindergarten teacher that seems easy enough! My dream classroom has students huddled together over iPads creating ebooks together, a small group of at risk students with me reading an above level book for the first time, a pair of students working on a script for a retelling they'd like to perform for the class.... It's easy to dream big in kindergarten! Oh, no! The realist in me is laughing... Those deep belly laughs that are challenging to stop anytime soon... The realist in me just pointed out that little Johnny is hiding under the table, little Suzy's glue is clogged, and little Tommy just had an accident..... Then the phone rings, the secretary calls to say little Jennifer will be picked up in five minutes. My actual classroom is never a dreamland but I look froward to Debbie walking me through the process of finding my classroom happy place!!

Some of these dreams I am already working towards... others I'm working on a plan! 

1 comment:

  1. Great blog post! I am going to try these iPod books for my Phoenix preschool students. This suggestion is just fabulous! Thank you so much for sharing all these knowledgeable information and fun activities that you use in your classroom!
