Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Half Time of the GAME...

The last few weeks you've been hearing about my GAME plan.  My goals are to: engage students in exploring real-world issues and solving authentic problems using digital tools and resources and collaborate with students, peers, parents, and community members using digital tools and resources to support student success and innovation. 

One of my fellow classmates, Cindy Clark, shared this slideshow about blogging. Check it out here: Slideshow .  I love some of the ideas and even though this is through the eyes of a 4th grade teacher I am inspired for my kindergarteners. I created a new class blog.  You can see it here: Dills' Darlings.  What do you think?  Do you think I should have seperate pages for students or just have them blog on the main page, then it's sequential... I'm not sure yet!  Any thoughts? My main goals for the blog is 1)communication with parents and 2) student interaction through writing and sharing which will lead to a greater degree of student ownership.  I already like the 'cuteness' factor much more than my previous one here: Dills Old Blog. This new one is also much easier to navigate. 

As for creating more authentic learning experiences I am busy finding more resources.  I am currently investigating the Project Based Learning Site to find ideas of suitable kindergarten activities.  Here are some of the projects that might fit into a kindergarten classroom:
~creating our own healthy granola bar
~How much water goes down the drain?
~Math Hunt around the school

Any ideas you've used with younger students????

I feel that this is the half-way point in my GAME plan.  I feel that I am on the right track to meeting my goals.  I will continue to monitor my progress.

Cennamo, K., Ross, J. & Ertmer, P. (2009). Technology integration for meaningful classroom use: A standards-based approach. (Laureate Education, Inc., Custom ed.). Belmont, CA: Wadsworth, Cengage Learning.

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

GAME On.....

Last week I posted my GAME plan for advancing my knowledge in technology.  My goals included engaging students in real-life experiences with technology integration and collaborating to use technology to enhance student success and creativity.  Don't we all want to get improve on that?  One way that I have started this process is to become members of blogs by people who are on this journey with me.  Not only am I following blogs of those in my course but I have also found some blogs of others.  Check out these blogs if you're interested in technology integration:

Those are just a few of my favorites. Do you have some favorites to share? I think it will be important to stay active in the blogging world as I finish up my Masters as I'm always finding new ideas, new technologies, and new inspiration.  Let's face it, our job can be challenging, so the more we collaborate with each other the better chance we have to achieve our goals.  Our superintendent always says "Work smarter, not harder!" I'm all for beg, borrowing, and stealing  using with permission! 

I will also need to set up a classroom blog. Currently, I use a blog housed through my district's website.  You can see my class here: Mrs. Dills' Kindergarten Blog.  This blog has some limitations, and let's be honest...I teach kindergarten...The cute factor is not evident on our blog, nor can I make it. I also need the ability to have comments, and currently our district one does not do that. So, I'm looking at creating another blog where I can utilize all the advantages of the blogging world.  I'll create it on Blogger, just like this blog.  You can even go as far as hiring someone to create a 'blog face' for you, a template that is personalized.  Have you visited the 3 A.M. Teacher?  She does amazing work.  Check her out here: 3 A.M. Teacher. She's posted about creating badges and specific looks for teachers.  I have no idea of the cost, but I'm contemplating it.

What are you doing to keep yourself 'current' and in the know? 

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

My GAME Plan...

Have you checked out the technology standards for teachers lately?  You can view them here: The ISTE NETS and Performance Indicators for Teachers (NETS•T)
As I reflect on these 5 standards and 25 indicators I am somewhat relieved to say that I feel comfortable with many of the standards and indicators.  With that being said, it is also evident that there is still much work to be done and technology advancements to be made.  The two indicators that I will focus on will be 1.b (engage students in exploring real-world issues and solving authentic problems using digital tools and resources).  The key words in this indicator for me are 'real-world issues' and 'solving authentic problems'.  I am striving to utilize technology in a way to that promotes problem solving skills and creativity, not simply practice academic skills.  The other indicator I would like to enhance is 3.b (collaborate with students, peers, parents, and community members using digital tools and resources to support student success and innovation).  Within this indicator I would like to focus on collaborating with students. 

Doesn't this sound like a great idea?  Of course, great ideas are simply that..ideas.  To make these ideas turn into reality I must have a plan, specifically a GAME plan.  Cennamno, Ross, and Ertmer (2009) explain that the GAME plan should include:

Set Goals: My first goal is to create more meaningful real-life activities for my kindergarten classroom that utilize technology and promote creativity. I see this goal as an opportunity to create more project based lessons within my classroom. My second goal is to collaborate with students to enhance their learning through the use of technology and digital tools. I specifically want to create a class blog where my students are able to post daily.

Take Action: I will research what other kindergarten teachers are doing to include project based activities.  I am already finding many examples of wonderful projects.  Here's one about school buses! I will set up a classroom blog and begin teaching my students how to summarize our learning and our day to create a post. I will also find other kindergarten blogs to show my students. Here's an example of an individual student's blogHow cute it that????

Monitor Your Learning: As I begin this process it will be imperative that I track my learning and progress.  As needed I will adjust what I am doing to fit out needs.

Evaluate and Extend Your Learning: I don't see these goals as a final destination but a continual improvement plan.  As I complete each project I will need to reflect upon my learning along with my students' and make any other changes that need to be made.  As I look at extending my learning I will be able to include more project based activities that include technology and digital tools.  I will also be more skilled at blogging and finding learning opportunities within blogging.
Any suggestions to help me be successful??

Cennamo, K., Ross, J. & Ertmer, P. (2009). Technology integration for meaningful classroom use: A standards-based approach. (Laureate Education, Inc., Custom ed.). Belmont, CA: Wadsworth, Cengage Learning.

International Society for Technology in Education. (2008). National education standards for teachers (NETS-T). Retrieved from